Bonking meaning urban dictionary?

Have sex (with) noun. All content on this website, including dictionaries, thesauri, literature, geography and other reference data, is for informational purposes only. This information should not be considered complete, current and should not be used in place of a visit, consultation or advice from a legal professional, medical or any other professional. These example sentences are automatically selected from various online news sources to reflect the current use of the word “bonk”.

Simply highlight the game you want to buy (Ecco the Dolphin, Excite Bike and Bonk's Adventure are among the best) and select Buy. An example of a bonk is when a marathon runner reaches the 20-mile mark and cannot continue because he has exhausted all of his body's fuel.

Dolores Blicker
Dolores Blicker

Devoted foodaholic. Bacon scholar. Hipster-friendly coffee junkie. Friendly social media expert. Total web enthusiast. Professional zombie maven.